
September 2018

4 Adorable Facts About Labrador Retriever Puppies

In order of working intelligence the following dogs are smart: the Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd,and Doberman. Where does the Labrador Retriever rank?

Goldendoodle Puppy: A Hybrid Dog Worthy of the White House

Goldendoodles have been rising in popularity since 1969. Discover which public figures love them, and learn the differences among the generations of the dog.

15 Pictures of Loyal and Affectionate Rottweiler Puppies

Rottweilers are the Renaissance men of the dog world and act with great alertness and self-assuredness. These working dogs and have developed many talents over the centuries. Gush at 15 cute photos of these gentle giants, understand their history, and learn to pick the right Rottie for you. 

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Some Puppies for you