

The dogs of the Iditarod

When you think of Alaska you think of bush planes, grizzly bears, snow, igloos, and a blue eyed Husky standing alert in front of a sled staring at majestic white capped mountains in the distance.

4 Things to Consider Before Buying Your Perfect Pooch

The dog's coat: This is important because it should affect your decisions on what dog to buy. If the dog is going to be living inside, it's likely you want a non-shedding dog that doesn't leave hair hanging on every fuzzy surface inside your home. If you can't stand any dog hair whatsoever, buy a puppy with a non-shedding coat.

Standard Poodles-a breed to consider (if you are smart enough)

Standard Poodles are a non-shedding, large sized dog with above average intelligence. Since most people don't enjoy having pets that are smarter than they are, the Poodle breed usually enjoys smart owners. Indeed, Poodle owners think they are smarter than everyone else, sometimes only because they own a Poodle.

Things to remember while celebrating the holidays with your dog.

Chicken and turkey bones can be bad for the cutest member of your family! Cooked bones can splinter and damage your dog's throat or intestines. Raw bones can contain harmful bacteria that can cause diarrhea. This can cause a lot of holiday stress for both you and your dog. No one likes stepping on Fido's little Christmas “presents” on the morning after Christmas. But, bones aren't all bad.

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Some Puppies for you