
Weaver Family Puppies

Seller Profile
Millersburg, OH 44654
Contact Name:
Mary Lue
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Saturday: 7:00 am-10:00 pm
Sunday: Closed
Make A Payment:
Make a Payment with Consumer Safety Group
Payments are sent directly to sellers; Happy Valentines Day is not in any way involved in any part of the transaction, transmission or delivery of money or dogs.

We are happy you have found and chosen one of our puppies! You will surely enjoy ours to your puppy. We have had well satisfied customer, ask to see their pictures and texts they sent us. We have been breeding this mix for several years as a family, all starting with mama dog, Ginger! We have liked the English Bulldogs, and with the Puggle mixed in it makes the health issues less, and most of our females can free whelp. Which is very nice compared to always doing C Section. Our first dog Ginger is 7/8 English Bulldog. They are just as fun and still a smart breed! A perfect addition for a great home. Most times we wish for a dozen more for all the calls we get. God Bless you, and thank you for liking our Bulldog puppies. Most puppies stay around 40lb which is a very nice size compared to full English Bulldogs at 60 plus lbs.

A few comments our customers sent: He has such a great personality and disposition! and cute too.

They are doing great! They're as sweet as can be. Note: Some come back for second friend puppy.

He really is a joy to have, Very laid back, and boy does he love the snow!

Thank you so much for the gift. She is truley treasured!

And we got many more great responces. We like our dogs, and treat them well. They play with our children too. and enjoy walks outdoors, and freedom to roam in our yard! We thank our customers mostly for making our puppies great dogs!!

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