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How much money do you spend “on emotions”?

Most people think that they lack money. In fact, they lack banal financial literacy and a little common sense.

To start earning more than now, you will have to stop being who you are now. It is not easy, but doable!

Here is an approximate sequence of recommended steps:

1. First, understand that personal finances are the part of your life where emotions need to be controlled (move them to the background).

2. Every time when you are going to spend the money you earn, remove emotions away and turn on your analytical skills - “What will this purchase give me? Do I really need it? ”

3. Do a simple exercise right now. Open your wardrobes, look at the balcony and mezzanine. Count how many things you bought on emotions (because you just wanted to buy them!) And now you do not use these things. Now think how much money you paid for these things?

4. For these money spent (in fact, thrown away by you), you could buy yourself good Assets, which little by little would begin to bring you new money.

5. Develop within yourself an immunity to the reckless desire to spend (available or credit) money. Replace this with a good habit of investing your free money and creating Assets.

There are no accidents in life. What you have now (your material wealth, level of savings and income) is the result of your attitude to money, to loans, to assets and wealth. In other words, you created your life today. And if this is so, then you can change it at any time!

Where to get money? You may use credit cards or participate in such programs as Or if you look enlarged, there are four main areas, by adhering to which you can increase your current income.

1. Your main activity. This is the main place of application of your time and effort - your permanent job or your business. This is the field of activity in which you are (or aspire to become) a professional, grow up the career ladder, improve your skills and qualifications.

2. Additional income (during off-hours): one-time or occasional part-time work.

3. Investment income. This is when your money begins to work instead of you (which, you see, it is very nice!). You make investments (invest your money) and get regular income.

4. Reducing costs:

  • reducing daily expenses;
  • elimination of excess (unnecessary) spending money;
  • rejection of non-core assets and unprofitable activities;
  • transition to more economical modes, cheaper counterparts, etc.

If you have a strong desire to increase your income in order to start making investments, I recommend that you start earning a little money on simple ideas to implement in your free time. And earn money - invest!

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